Friday 18 July 2008

Blog also changed

The new blog's URL is below:

Sorry for the inconvenience again!

Tuesday 15 July 2008

URL changed again!

Hello there,

As I announced before, I changed the URL of my website again from ""
to "" (or you can add www).
and its English version is here:

The data has already been transfered. (Now I am checking some mismatches)
If you bookmark or have a link to my website, would you please change it again?

I am sorry for the inconvenience!!

Hirano Takaci

Sunday 13 July 2008

"Retouching" or "Photo manipulation"?

Today I tried to make a new article "retoucher / レタッチャー or リタッチャー" on Japanese wikipedia. First I checked the english article, and found "Retouching" is redirected to "Photo manipulation". Discussion was done well. See [Link].

I will write about its japanese article.

日本での呼称は概ね「レタッチャー」で定着しつつあるのだが、その呼称の元となっている英語の「retoucher」という用語は、変遷を経て、使用頻度が下がっているとも言われている。「レタッチャー」として第一線で活躍されており、また作家活動もされている櫻井喜明さんに先日お会いした際に「アメリカでは、retoucherではなくphoto retoucherと呼んでいる」と言っとられたが、その状況からも更に変わっているような気がしている。






・中澤英彦「キーウにおけるウクライナ語の現状とノルマ」2003年3月28日『オスノーヴァ』02号 pp.37-71



本日、ウィキペディアプロジェクトの統一アカウントなるものを作りました。各言語ウィキペディアを統一されたアカウント名で利用出来るというもの。ウォッチリストの統一は出来なかったものの、ログインが容易になりました。ウクライナ語ウィキペディアにTwitterの記事が無かったので、簡単なものだけ作っておきました(Твіттер - Вікіпедія)。母語話者で誰か奇特な方が編集してくれるのを期待しています。

Saturday 21 June 2008

My Drama of Photography/Gikyoku updated

My Drama of Photography | Hirano Takaci

By the way, I forgot to tell you about the last update here! If you didn't know, please check it back.

Tuesday 17 June 2008

Japanese name

I found the article on wikipedia related with my last post of our names.

"Japanese names (人名, jinmei?) in modern times usually consist of a family name (surname), followed by a given name. This naming order is common in countries that have long been part of the Chinese cultural sphere, including among the Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese cultures. "Middle names" are not generally used."

Japanese name | Wikipedia

Wednesday 4 June 2008

Corrected the order of my names to "Hirano Takaci" from "Takaci Hirano"

Now I modified several lines on my web. Changing the order of my name into "Hirano Takaci" from "Takaci Hirano".

I have to explain about it. The order of Japanese "given name" and "family name" is reverse to English names. That is, family name comes first, and given name is next. For example, a football player "Nakata Hidetoshi", Nakata is his family name, and Hidetoshi is his given name. However, when I was learnt English first at junior highschool, our teachers made our names match the English order, though we felt unnatural with them.

I was used to the past order a bit, but recently people try to correct the order. I have wondered about it, because it was troublesome to change all of the lines around my circumstance online. The address of website, the credits of contents, e-mail, or so on.

But this is a problem of my identity, and I started to change some of them on my web which I could do now. I will get new domain of my web and e-mail, and change them again. I am sorry to you for confusing much, and I will appreciate your understanding.

As for me, "Hirano" is my family name, and "Takaci" is my given name. The correct order is "Hirano Takaci". You can call me "Takaci" as you did here or in e-mails. Please don't mind it much.

Sunday 1 June 2008

random scanned images

random scanned images

Thursday 29 May 2008

random scanned image

Monday 26 May 2008

Random scanned image

Monday 19 May 2008



「アマチュアは、街でスナップを撮ったらいけないのか?」|THE EYE FORGET by Alao Yokogi


Friday 9 May 2008

random scanned images


Tuesday 6 May 2008

random scanned image

random scanned image

Monday 5 May 2008

Facebook in another language

You can set several languages on Facebook with the application "Translations".

Translations | Facebook



Translations | Facebook



2.このTranslations(というアプリケーションを導入(Add applicationを押す)してください。(上のリンクで辿り着けない場合は、左上の検索窓にTranslationsと入力し、アプリケーションを見つけて、導入してください)。次のページも"Add Translations"を押す。




random scanned image

Friday 2 May 2008


(※mixiで書いたものの複写です。sorry, but this article is only for japanese speakers)











3.同じ趣味の人をどんどんrequest to addしてみる


さあ、それじゃあ、Let's join it!!Haha!! :D





Cities I've Visited

Thursday 1 May 2008

joined facebook

I tried some social networking services like myspace, bebo, and so, in order to gather several information.
However, they could not make me satisfy enough, because most of my friends in Japan did not join in,
and I couldn't find new people there much. There wasn't a NETWORK.
(in addition, I don't like some of them because of their annoying designs.)

I think some of them can be more useful for me to get acquainted with others as you already have done.
I have joined in facebook for half a year, but I don't know how to enjoy it well even now. Mmm.
If you are participants, please add me and tell something useful on it.
Or, is it also somehow boring for you?? It may also be true.

Takaci Hirano | facebook

random scanned image

Monday 28 April 2008

random scanned image

random scanned image

Sunday 27 April 2008

random scanned image

Saturday 26 April 2008

random scanned image

Friday 25 April 2008

"Norwegian photographer had a wedding party in a Japanese distant island"

Norwegian photographer Mette Tronvoll participated in a photography project in Nagasaki, Japan. She saw a big cycad tree and very impressed (said "felt a spiritual thing from the tree"), and decided to hold a wedding party in that isolated island.

Mette Tronvoll participates in photography project in Nagasak | NORWAY the official site in Japan

Mette Tronvoll on artnet

ノルウェー人写真家が宇久で結婚式 島民ら祝福 | 長崎新聞

random scanned image

Thursday 24 April 2008

"1,000 True Fans"

I forgot the word "Long Tail" till I read this article, but, though it is now mostly in regard of mentality, I remember I have benefited for long from that web logic.

"1,000 True Fans" by Kevin Kelly | The Technium

Monday 14 April 2008

Recovered the website.

At last, I could recover the website.

Takaci Hirano Photogprahy (nothing updated!)

By the way, these days I wonder about the blog. Which is better to post, blogspot or vox? Or, another service, or my own engine with wordpress (if I can set...). Blogspot is a bit useless.

Sunday 13 April 2008

Server Problem

Hello there,

Now my website does not work because of the server problem.
I am trying to recover it, the address do not change,
and you can access in a few days.

See you soon.

Tuesday 8 April 2008

Corey Arnold

"Corey Arnold, 31, is a photographer and Alaskan crab fisherman. During October, January, and February you will find him working and photographing aboard the f/v Rollo in the Bering Sea."

Corey Arnold

Very interesting works!

Saturday 5 April 2008

Friday 28 March 2008


Hi there! Sorry for my long absence. I deal with real life, and just shooting.

Well, you may know or will be surprised, but about 1/3 of all blogs of this whole world is written in Japanese. It does not mean that they love writing diaries, but there are just a lot of convenient services here in blogging. No one knows how many blog services are in Japan, and people tried several from them and chose the better. Again, they originally do not like writing so much, and they are not good at writing. Most of them are posting not to tell opinions, but only to communicate with friends. If you can understand Japanese, you can find most of their sloppy style posts (chats) terribly dull for you. However, all of the services target only Japanese speakers and there is some problems when you access to them from outside Japan that is a crucial demerit for me. But I am also used to such maniac blog services, so I see blogspot much worse in posting than them. For example, it does not fit macintosh OS "Safari" (I have to write tags of linkage and images by typing every times!!). I do not like its image resizing function (blogspot resizes posted images automatically). So I have looked for other blog service instead of them.

I started twitter today. Mainly posting in Japanese, and of course it cannot display any images. So, it is also in provisional use...gmm...

twitter - takacihirano

Friday 7 March 2008

PDN's 30 2008

PDN's 30 2008

When we walk around in a fine day anywhere covered with much snow

When we walk around in a brilliant fine day anywhere covered with much snow, try to keep closing one side of your eyes. After a few minutes, open it and close the other side. You can find the the view with one side quite different from the others. Sun light reflected by covered snow is so strong that our consciousness of color can be unstable then. So, we can ask ourselves again "what is real color in photography?"

Oliver Sieber

Oliver Sieber | Character Thieves at 怀乡


"Welcome to Pyongyang"

Welcome to Pyongyang | BBC News

via: Jeuce's blog


Sunday 3 February 2008

Sunday 20 January 2008

Monday 14 January 2008

Thursday 3 January 2008

Test Posts of digital camera images

Last month one of the greatest artists in Japan, Yasuhiko Uchihara, whose style is updating the daily digital photo images on the website "Son of a BIT" everyday, rent me his old digital camera D100. So these days I have tried everyday's posts by the camera on the other blog as he does. You can see the digital images there which are bigger than any other photos on my website. It is not so serious, but now just a test to get some new feelings.

By the way, the blog system "hatena" is not so good for posting. It is based only on Japanese, so not convenient for most visitors. Now I am looking for other free service, which is besed on English, easy to post, good for visitors to see images. Or, I may stop the test soon. If I find, I will unite here and there to new one.