Hi there! Sorry for my long absence. I deal with real life, and just shooting.
Well, you may know or will be surprised, but about 1/3 of all blogs of this whole world is written in Japanese. It does not mean that they love writing diaries, but there are just a lot of convenient services here in blogging. No one knows how many blog services are in Japan, and people tried several from them and chose the better. Again, they originally do not like writing so much, and they are not good at writing. Most of them are posting not to tell opinions, but only to communicate with friends. If you can understand Japanese, you can find most of their sloppy style posts (chats) terribly dull for you. However, all of the services target only Japanese speakers and there is some problems when you access to them from outside Japan that is a crucial demerit for me. But I am also used to such maniac blog services, so I see blogspot much worse in posting than them. For example, it does not fit macintosh OS "Safari" (I have to write tags of linkage and images by typing every times!!). I do not like its image resizing function (blogspot resizes posted images automatically). So I have looked for other blog service instead of them.
I started twitter today. Mainly posting in Japanese, and of course it cannot display any images. So, it is also in provisional use...gmm...
twitter - takacihirano
Friday, 28 March 2008
Posted by
Hirano Takaci
Friday, 7 March 2008
When we walk around in a fine day anywhere covered with much snow
When we walk around in a brilliant fine day anywhere covered with much snow, try to keep closing one side of your eyes. After a few minutes, open it and close the other side. You can find the the view with one side quite different from the others. Sun light reflected by covered snow is so strong that our consciousness of color can be unstable then. So, we can ask ourselves again "what is real color in photography?"
Posted by
Hirano Takaci
Oliver Sieber
Oliver Sieber | Character Thieves at 怀乡
Posted by
Hirano Takaci
"Welcome to Pyongyang"
Welcome to Pyongyang | BBC News
via: Jeuce's blog
Posted by
Hirano Takaci